176. Memorandum From the Chief of the National Security Division of the Training Relations Instruction Mission (Lansdale) to the Special Representative in Vietnam (Collins)1
Saigon, May 8,
- Talk with President Diem, afternoon 8 May
- 1.
- President Diem asked to see me today. Saw him briefly just after noon. He told me the following.
- 2.
- He intended sending a letter to the French later today, stating that General Hinh was no longer desired in the Vietnamese Army and asking that he be accepted back into the French Army. He intended taking legal action against General Vy for rebellion.
- 3.
- In accordance with your request, he had moderated the demands of the Congress. Most delegates have returned home already. However, he was worried by press dispatches from Paris (which he had on the table in front of him; they were sent from Paris 2130 hrs [Page 371] 7 May and quoted Figaro and Paris Press). The gist of the dispatches were [was] that Bao Dai plans to appoint a High Council (Figaro said “Presidium”) of five worthy persons: Diem, two from Imperial Family, Cao Dai Pope,2 and the leader of the Hoa Hao. Bao Dai would also appoint a Consultative Council which could be given the task of legislative work. Bao Dai would like to be a constitutional monarch, Western style. These plans would have the backing of the British, as indicated by Malcolm MacDonald. These actions are intended to appease the U.S., save face for Diem, solve the religious quarrel between the Catholics and the sects, prevent the Revolutionary Committee from proclaiming a republic and thus embarrassing the U.S., bring back calm, initiate reforms.
- 4.
- Diem said that you cannot fight the Vietminh with compromises, with people and ideas despised by the people. He is making a radio address later today, a moderate one, but thinks he will add in his ideas of an election for an Assembly to have a truly representative government. If Bao Dai and the French force him to do so, he will go further and reconvene the Congress and let them sound off their real feelings about Bao Dai. He said they are a bit resentful at being made to moderate their resolutions.
- 5.
- Diem has appointed Lin Quang Vien (unknown to me) as C.O. of the Imperial Guard vice Col. Tuyen. Bao Dai sent him a wire saying Tuyen should remain as commander of both Imperial and personal Guard. (Diem said latter post was as procurer Bao Dai mistresses). Diem sent cable to Bao Dai saying Tuyen had helped Vy with the coup attempt and was very unpopular in the Guard.
E. G.
Edward G.