396.1 GE/7–1854: Telegram
The United States Delegation to the Department of State
Secto 640. Repeated information Paris 86, Saigon 55. Tosec 550, repeated Paris 204, Saigon 204.1 USDel will remain alert to various points raised in reference telegram concerning economic relations between Communist and non-Communist zones Vietnam. USDel doubts, however, whether detailed economic arrangements will be incorporated in agreement for cessation of hostilities and assumes that these arrangements will be subject of later negotiation between authorities of two zones at which time the US representatives in Saigon and perhaps also in Paris will have an opportunity of making our detailed views known.
Regarding final paragraph of reference telegram on subject humane transfer of populations, USDel assumes these comments made prior to receipt of Secto 6222 which gives latest French draft on this general subject.