Foreign Relations of the United States, 1952–1954, The Geneva Conference, Volume XVI

Foreign Relations of the United States, 1952–1954, The Geneva Conference, Volume XVI
- Allen H. Kitchens
- Neal H. Petersen
General Editor:
- John P. Glennon
United States Government Printing Office
- Preface
- List of Abbreviations and Symbols
- List of Persons
- The Geneva Conference on Korea April 26—June 15, 1954 (Documents 1–245)
- I. Introduction
- A. Notes on Sources and Presentation of Material for the Geneva Conference on Korea
- B. List of Papers Prepared for the Geneva Conference on Korea
- C. Schedule of the Plenary Sessions on Korea
- D. Schedule of Meetings of the Heads of the Sixteen Allied Delegations
- E. List of Participants in the Geneva Conference on Korea
- II. Pre-Conference Documents: Efforts to Persuade the Republic of Korea to
Attend the Conference; Preparations for the Conference; Position Papers;
Procedural and Administrative Matters (February 16–April 25) (Documents 1–78)
- III. Proceedings of the Conference: Efforts to Reach an Agreed Position
with the Republic of Korea; Meetings with other Delegations; Proposals on
Korea by Various Delegations; Issuance of the Declaration by the Sixteen;
Conclusion of the Conference (April 26–June 15) (Documents 79–237)
- April 26, 1954 (Documents 79–82)
- April 27, 1954 (Documents 83–84)
- April 28, 1954 (Documents 85–86)
- April 29, 1954 (Documents 87–89)
- April 30, 1954 (Documents 90–95)
- May 1, 1954 (Documents 96–97)
- May 2, 1954 (Documents 98–99)
- May 3, 1954 (Documents 100–104)
- May 4, 1954 (Documents 105–108)
- May 5, 1954 (Documents 109–114)
- May 6, 1954 (Documents 115–117)
- May 7, 1954 (Documents 118–126)
- May 8, 1954 (Documents 127–133)
- May 9, 1954 (Documents 134–137)
- May 10, 1954 (Documents 138–142)
- May 11, 1954 (Documents 143–149)
- May 12, 1954 (Documents 150–152)
- May 13, 1954 (Documents 153–156)
- May 14, 1954 (Documents 157–160)
- May 15, 1954 (Documents 161–163)
- May 16, 1954 (Document 164)
- May 17, 1954 (Documents 165–167)
- May 18, 1954 (Documents 168–170)
- May 19, 1954 (Documents 171–176)
- May 20, 1954 (Documents 177–185)
- May 21, 1954 (Documents 186–188)
- May 22, 1954 (Documents 189–192)
- May 24, 1954 (Document 193)
- May 25, 1954 (Document 194)
- May 26, 1954 (Document 195)
- May 27, 1954 (Document 196)
- May 28, 1954 (Document 197)
- May 30, 1954 (Document 198)
- May 31, 1954 (Documents 199–201)
- June 1, 1954 (Documents 202–206)
- June 2, 1954 (Documents 207–208)
- June 3, 1954 (Documents 209–212)
- June 4, 1954 (Documents 213–215)
- June 5, 1954 (Documents 216–217)
- June 6, 1954 (Document 218)
- June 7, 1954 (Document 219)
- June 8, 1954 (Document 220)
- June 10, 1954 (Documents 221–222)
- June 11, 1954 (Documents 223–225)
- June 12, 1954 (Documents 226–229)
- June 13, 1954 (Documents 230–231)
- June 14, 1954 (Documents 232–234)
- June 15, 1954 (Documents 235–237)
- April 26, 1954 (Documents 79–82)
- IV. Post-Conference Documents: Views on the Results of the Conference;
Consideration by the Allied Side of a Report to the United Nations (June
16–June 23) (Documents 238–245)
- I. Introduction
- The Geneva Conference on Indochina May 8–July 21, 1954 (Documents 246–1056)
- I. Introduction
- II. Pre-Conference Documents: Efforts to Prevent Portrayal as a Five-Power
Conference; Question of Associated States and Viet Minh Participation;
French Conditions for Cease-Fire and Political Negotiations; United Action
in Southeast Asia; Preparations for the Conference; Position Papers;
Procedural and Administrative Matters (February 19–May 7) (Documents 246–454)
- III. Proceedings of the Conference: Continued Discussions of Conference
Arrangements, Procedures, and Participants; United States Positions and
Tactics at the Conference; Arrangements and Discussions on Collective
Defense in Southeast Asia; Consideration of United States Military
Intervention in Indochina; Proposals on Indochina by the Various
Delegations; Efforts To End Hostilities in Indochina and To Preserve Peace
in Southeast Asia; United States Participation in the Final Stage of the
Indochina Phase of the Conference; Conclusion of the Geneva Conference (May
8–July 21) (Documents 455–1034)
- May 8, 1954 (Documents 455–465)
- May 9, 1954 (Documents 466–473)
- May 10, 1954 (Documents 474–483)
- May 11, 1954 (Documents 484–492)
- May 12, 1954 (Documents 493–500)
- May 13, 1954 (Documents 501–508)
- May 14, 1954 (Documents 509–517)
- May 15, 1954 (Documents 518–528)
- May 16, 1954 (Documents 529–534)
- May 17, 1954 (Documents 535–543)
- May 18, 1954 (Documents 544–548)
- May 19, 1954 (Documents 549–555)
- May 20, 1954 (Documents 556–570)
- May 21, 1954 (Documents 571–575)
- May 22, 1954 (Documents 576–586)
- May 23, 1954 (Document 587)
- May 24, 1954 (Documents 588–596)
- May 25, 1954 (Documents 597–606)
- May 26, 1954 (Documents 607–614)
- May 27, 1954 (Documents 615–628)
- May 28, 1954 (Documents 629–638)
- May 29, 1954 (Documents 639–644)
- May 30, 1954 (Documents 645–647)
- May 31, 1954 (Documents 648–653)
- June 1, 1954 (Documents 654–655)
- June 2, 1954 (Documents 656–661)
- June 3, 1954 (Documents 662–668)
- June 4, 1954 (Documents 669–676)
- June 5, 1954 (Documents 677–680)
- June 6, 1954 (Documents 681–683)
- June 7, 1954 (Documents 684–691)
- June 8, 1954 (Documents 692–704)
- June 9, 1954 (Documents 705–714)
- June 10, 1954 (Documents 715–724)
- June 11, 1954 (Documents 725–728)
- June 12, 1954 (Documents 729–734)
- June 13, 1954 (Documents 735–738)
- June 14, 1954 (Documents 739–746)
- June 15, 1954 (Documents 747–751)
- June 16, 1954 (Documents 752–763)
- June 17, 1954 (Documents 764–771)
- June 18, 1954 (Documents 772–781)
- June 19, 1954 (Documents 782–790)
- June 20, 1954 (Document 791)
- June 21, 1954 (Documents 792–798)
- June 22, 1954 (Documents 799–804)
- June 23, 1954 (Documents 805–814)
- June 24, 1954 (Documents 815–820)
- June 25, 1954 (Documents 821–827)
- June 26, 1954 (Documents 828–830)
- June 27, 1954 (Document 831)
- June 28, 1954 (Documents 832–835)
- June 29, 1954 (Documents 836–841)
- June 30, 1954 (Document 842)
- July 1, 1954 (Documents 843–846)
- July 2, 1954 (Documents 847–851)
- July 3, 1954 (Documents 852–854)
- July 4, 1954 (Document 855)
- July 5, 1954 (Document 856)
- July 6, 1954 (Documents 857–861)
- July 7, 1954 (Documents 862–867)
- July 8, 1954 (Documents 868–876)
- July 9, 1954 (Documents 877–882)
- July 10, 1954 (Documents 883–888)
- July 11, 1954 (Documents 889–893)
- July 12, 1954 (Documents 894–900)
- July 13, 1954 (Documents 901–907)
- July 14, 1954 (Documents 908–920)
- July 15, 1954 (Documents 921–929)
- July 16, 1954 (Documents 930–940)
- July 17, 1954 (Documents 941–955)
- July 18, 1954 (Documents 956–972)
- July 19, 1954 (Documents 973–996)
- July 20, 1954 (Documents 997–1014)
- July 21, 1954 (Documents 1015–1034)
- May 8, 1954 (Documents 455–465)
- IV. Indochina Documents Prepared by the International Secretariat of the
Geneva Conference: Armistice Agreements for Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia; the
Final Declaration on Indochina; Declarations by Cambodia, Laos, and France;
Proposed Amendment by Vietnam to the Final Declaration (July 20–July
21) (Documents 1035–1046)
- V. Post-Conference Documents: Views on the Armistice Agreements;
Statements by Secretary of State Dulles and Under Secretary of State Smith; Legal Analysis of the Geneva
Armistice Agreement Restrictions; Arrangements Pertaining to the
International Control Commission (July 22–August 11) (Documents 1047–1056)
- Index