396.1 GE/7–1754: Telegram
The United States Delegation to the Department of State
Secto 634. Repeated information Paris 81, Saigon 52. French delegation has given us draft of declaration to be made by Laos delegation for our comments. They pointed out language second paragraph taken from USSR–Norwegian treaty, and fourth paragraph from UN charter. Unofficial translation follows:
“The Government of Laos wishes to establish relations with all its neighbors pacifically founded on mutual respect, non-interference, and non-aggression. It considers that the defense of its territory is best assured by its association in the French Union.
The Government of Laos is resolved never to take part in a policy having aggressive goals and will never permit Laotian territory to be used in the service of such a policy.
The Laotian Government will never take part in an agreement with other states if this agreement carries with it for Laos the obligation of establishing bases for the military forces of foreign powers on Laotian territory, as long as Laos is not attacked or exposed to the threat of an attack.
The Government of Laos is resolved to settle its international differences by pacific means, in such a manner that peace and international security, as well as justice, will not be endangered.
The Government of Laos will refrain from recourse to threats or the employment of force either against the territorial integrity or the political independence of any state or in any other manner.”