396.1 GE/7–1254: Telegram

The United States Delegation to the Department of State


Secto 592. Repeated information Paris 41, Saigon 26. Although we have not yet had full briefing from French, we gather following items regarding Mendes-France activities today:

Mendes-France saw Dong yesterday and will see him again this afternoon. Yesterday’s talk devoted to what Folin, Mendes-France’s Chef de Cabinet, described as “exchange of charm” plus firm insistence by Mendes-France on Dong Hoi line. Although Dong attitude on this negative, he did not close door.
Mendes-France told me that Menon had called on him. He had discussed various possibilities regarding demarcation lines. Mendes-France had insisted on necessity of eighteenth parallel.
Mendes-France saw Vietnamese Foreign Minister Tran Van Do this afternoon.

USDel is giving dinner for Vietnamese delegation this evening and will report their reaction. I plan to discuss situation with Do along lines Secretary’s message to Diem contained Tosec 529.1

  1. Dated July 10, p. 1324.