751G.00/6–2154: Telegram
The United States Delegation to the Department of State
Secto 497. Chauvel today gave me the following French proposal on Cambodia and Laos which he said represented an attempt to eliminate from the Chinese proposal those points which erroneously indicated agreement had been reached where none had, and to turn it into a formal agenda on Cambodia and Laos, although frankly I am not entirely clear what he has in mind. It is possible he will bring this forward at meeting of six tomorrow morning, and I would appreciate any comments the Department may have. I will reserve my position pending instructions.1
“Following the Conference debates on Cambodia and Laos, and taking into account the observations made and the proposals presented to the Conference, the latter will study the following problems:
- 1.
- Cessation of hostilities in Cambodia and Laos. Simultaneous with the cessation of hostilities in Vietnam.
- 2.
- Examination of the recommendations transmitted by the representatives of the commanders in chief on the withdrawal of foreign troops from Cambodia and Laos (cf., resolutions of June 19).
- 3.
- Prohibitions on the introduction, after the cessation of hostilities, of new troops as well as arms and munitions into Cambodia and Laos, with reservations concerning the needs of the national armies in order to assure the defense of the two countries.
- 4.
- International control system in Cambodia and Laos.
- 5.
- Liberation of prisoners of war and civil internees.
- 6.
- Protection of persons having collaborated with the opposing side during the war.”
The Department of State in telegram Tosec 454, June 21, informed the U.S. Delegation that the points raised in telegrams Secto 496, June 21, supra, and Secto 497 “will be discussed with Secretary who returns tomorrow and appropriate instructions forwarded. Believe you should reserve your position on both proposals meanwhile.” (751G.00/6–2154)
In telegram Tosec 460, June 22, the Department instructed the U.S. Delegation, with reference to Secto 497, that “it would appear that Chauvel is now attempting to substitute Chou En-lai’s six-point proposal with minor modifications for proposal adopted by Conference after long debate at restricted session June 19. We must insist on retention of text of proposal as previously adopted.” (751G.00/6–2154)