396.1 GE/5–2454
Memorandum by the Special Adviser to the United States Delegation (Heath) to the Head of the Delegation (Smith)
Geneva, May 24, 1954.
- Meeting of the Six
- 1.
- Agreed to accept the French list of questions as a basis of discussion.1
- 2.
- Agreed that France would speak first, Cambodia second, Laos third and we fourth.
- 3.
- It is possible the French may seek to revise the order of questions and move the question “international control of the execution of agreements” from fourth place to second.
- 4.
- The French Delegation is unwilling at this stage to take the position that international control should be exercised only by the United Nations. Cheyssou [Cheysson], of their Delegation, however, raised the point, if the control commission was not under the United Nations, under whose authority would it be?
- 5.
- The suggestion was made that the Six discuss in an early meeting just what real neutrals might usefully serve on the control commission. Ambassador Chauvel made the point that any effective international control would have to have several countries since the smaller countries could not provide sufficiently large contingents of control troops.