396.1 GE/6–454: Telegram
Seventh Meeting of the Heads of the 16 Allied Delegations, Geneva, June 4, 11: 03 a.m.: The United States Delegation to the Department of State1
Secto 378. Repeated information Seoul priority 114, Tokyo 109, London 244, Paris 385, Moscow unnumbered. Department pass Defense; Tokyo pass CINCUNC.
- 1.
- Seventh meeting heads 16 Allied delegations this morning June 4 at Palais with Kural presiding was devoted to consideration next steps [Page 343] Korean phase, particularly relative emphasis on elements of question to be put to Communists in restricted session.
- 2.
Under Secretary began discussion by noting general debate has made clear that Communists reject authority UN to take collective action to resist aggression and to supervise restoration of peace and security in Korea. Said under circumstances we could only lose by allowing conference to drag on, permitting Communists to obscure basic issues, and therefore we should terminate talks on these UN issues and tell Communists we continue to desire unification under UN principles and will make further efforts to that end when they accept competence and authority UN. Under Secretary presented Secretary’s views (Tedul 1452) on importance UN issue and continued avoidance of any action which would permit Communists obscure this issue or fact of Communist aggression and their obstruction UN efforts unify Korea since 1947 and aggression.
Under Secretary noted that Plenary tomorrow June 5 called at request Nam Il, who might make some spurious gesture toward UN in expectation we seeking restricted session to bring fundamental UN issue to head. Stated would be desirable have Allied speakers tomorrow.
- 3.
Under Secretary then outlined proposed tactics for restricted session of seven at which substance of question would be asked “Are the Communists prepared to agree to unification of Korea on the basis of free elections and the condition of genuine freedom under the control and supervision of the United Nations?” This restricted meeting would be followed by another meeting of 16 and then by final Plenary late next week in event Communists said no, or spurious “yes” which in fact meant no.
General agreement all delegations on sequence restricted session followed by meeting of 16 to determine tactics for final Plenary. Also general agreement to ask Communists above question. Eden backed by other Commonwealth delegations said free elections would be key element of question put to Communists. Under Secretary, supported by Philippines (Garcia), Netherlands (Bentinck), ROK (Pyun), Turkey (Acikalin), Belgium (De La Chevalerie) and Greece (Kindynis) emphasized that UN role in Korea an essential element. Prince Wan (Thailand) saw problem as which of two linked issues should be given primary emphasis. Under Secretary stated no difficulty if both elements kept together, as in case with his proposed question to Communists. Ronning (Canada) agreed asking Communists question as originally worded but stated re UN issue, he was under instructions to stand fast against Communists only on specific issue of supervision [Page 344] acceptable to UN rather than general principle of UN role Korea. New Zealand supported Canadians. Kural stated appeared to be general agreement and adjourned meeting.
- 4.
- Urrutia (Colombia) during above discussion raised question of form and timing of report to UN. Kural stated next meeting of 16 would be appropriate place to consider.
- 5.
- Pyun (ROK) early in meeting stated present instructions did not permit ROK participation another restricted session of seven. Said was asking Seoul for authorization attend but in event not forthcoming might cause some embarrassment. Under Secretary noted restricted meeting could always be postponed if necessary. Australia (Watt) wondered if timing of restricted meeting for Monday perhaps too tight, especially if Nam Il should present unexpected proposal tomorrow.
- 6.
- Bidault proposed, in event failure reach settlement here on Korea, 16 should issue “collective statement” on two basic elements of UN authority and free elections under UN supervision. Prince Wan agreed.