396.1 GE/5–1454: Telegram
The United States Delegation to the Embassy in Korea
78. Repeated information Department Secto 211, Tokyo 61. Tokyo pass CINCUNC. Re Secto 196,2 200.3
- 1.
After plenary session May 13 Young discussed draft basic proposal with Pyun and ROK delegation. As they were disturbed and even angry over Eden’s five points and especially his fourth point (Secto 2034), their initial reaction was critical:
- (a)
- Pyun and other delegates objected to phrase “throughout Korea” in first paragraph draft. He said scope of elections should be left unspecified in basic principles. He repeated ROK would agree to general elections in Korea if Chinese Communists withdrew completely from Korea prior such elections;
- (b)
- ROK delegation strongly preferred specific reference to UNCURK instead of to United Nations Commission. Their insistence on this point reflected their deep concern over the vagueness Eden’s proposal for a commission composed of a “panel acceptable to Geneva conference”. ROK delegation interprets Eden’s phraseology possibly include neutrals such as India and Communists United Nations members such as Czechoslovakia and Poland. Pyun and ROK delegates said any such commission totally unacceptable. Young referred to Rhee’s objections to UNCURK as reported by Briggs and Dean. Pyun said he would persuade President insist on UNCURK since its composition satisfactory.
- (c)
- Pyun considered any reference to question withdrawal non-Korean forces, even such vague wording as paragraph 5 draft proposal, should be omitted. Young pointed out impracticability no reference this matter.
ROK delegation reacted negatively to draft proposal in contrast to affirmative reaction draft of plan B. Their initial criticism explained [Page 271] largely by concern over Eden’s remarks and also Philippine proposal for constitutional convention repeated again in meeting of 16 May 13.
- 2.
- Following meeting of working group of 9 on May 14 Pyun told us again present position ROK Government is general elections must be conditioned on prior total withdrawal Chinese Communist forces.
- 3.
- Oliver told Young May 14:
- (a)
- Several days ago Rhee sent telegram Pyun suggesting ROK public statement Seoul and Geneva that ROK not opposing general elections but insisting on prior total Chinese Communist withdrawal. Purpose to offset impression in United States press ROK preventing agreement among allies by opposing generalizations. Pyun replied such statement inadvisable because it would create confusion in Geneva and force division among allies; and
- (b)
- He and ROK delegation have discussed proposal for withdrawal bulk but not all foreign forces from Korea prior to elections and he thinks Rhee might be persuaded accept this along with fundamental principles on United Nations supervision and genuinely free elections. Said he would try draft telegram to Rhee on such lines.