II. Pre-Conference Documents: Efforts to Prevent Portrayal as a Five-Power Conference; Question of Associated States and Viet Minh Participation; French Conditions for Cease-Fire and Political Negotiations; United Action in Southeast Asia; Preparations for the Conference; Position Papers; Procedural and Administrative Matters (February 19–May 7)
[366] The Secretary of State to the Department of State
Geneva, April 27, 1954—9
396.1 GE/4–2754: Telegram
[367] Memorandum of Conversation, by the Special Adviser to the United States Delegation (Merchant)
Geneva, April 28, 1954—10:15
396.1 GE/4–2854
[368] The Acting Secretary of State to the Secretary of State, at Geneva
Washington, April 28, 1954—12:59
751G.00/4–2854: Telegram
[369] The Secretary of State to the Department of State
Geneva, April 28, 1954—2
396.1 GE/4–2854: Telegram
[371] Memorandum for the Special Adviser to the United States Delegation (Bowie)
[Geneva,] April 28, 1954.
396.1 GE/4–2854
[372] The Acting Secretary of State to the Secretary of State, at Geneva
Washington, April 28, 1954—5:43
751G.00/4–2854: Telegram
[373] The Acting Secretary of State to the Secretary of State, at Geneva
Washington, April 28, 1954—7:16
396.1 GE/4–2854: Telegram
[374] The Secretary of State to the Department of State
Geneva, April 28, 1954—11
396.1 GE/4–2854: Telegram
[375] The Secretary of State to the Department of State
Geneva, April 28, 1954—11
396.1 GE/4–2854: Telegram
[376] Heath–Bao Dai Meeting, Cannes, April 29, 7:30 a.m.: The Secretary of State to the Department of State
Geneva, April 30, 1954—3
396.1 GE/4–3054: Telegram
[378] The Secretary of State to the Department of State
Geneva, April 29, 1954—10
751G.00/4–2954: Telegram
[379] The Secretary of State to the Department of State
Geneva, April 29, 1954—11
396.1 GE/4–2954: Telegram
[380] The Secretary of State to the Department of State
Geneva, April 29, 1954—1
396.1 GE/4–2954: Telegram
[381] The Secretary of State to the Department of State
Geneva, April 29, 1954—1
396.1 GE/4–2954: Telegram
[382] The Chargé at Saigon (McClintock) to the Department of State
Saigon, April 29, 1954—2
751G.00/4–2954: Telegram
[383] The Ambassador in Ceylon (Crowe) to the Department of State
Colombo, April 29, 1954—4
790.00/4–2954: Telegram
[385] The Ambassador in Paris (Dillon) to the Department of State
Paris, April 29, 1954—5
751G.00/4–2954: Telegram
[386] Memorandum by the Adviser to the United States Delegation (Bonsal) to the Special Adviser to the United States Delegation (Robertson)
[Geneva,] April 29, 1954.
PPS files, lot 65 D101, “Indochina”
[387] The Acting Secretary of State to the Secretary of State, at Geneva
Washington, April 29, 1954—7:01
751G.5/4–2954: Telegram
[388] The Secretary of State to the Department of State
Geneva, April 29, 1954—8
396.1 GE/4–2954: Telegram
[389] Memorandum by the Special Adviser to the United States Delegation (Merchant) to the Secretary of State
[Geneva,] April 29, 1954.
396.1 GE/4–2954
[390] Memorandum by the Special Adviser to the United States Delegation (Achilles)
[Geneva,] April 30, 1954.
Conference files, lot 60 D 627, CF 288
[391] The Secretary of State to the Department of State
Geneva, April 30, 1954—11
396.1 GE/4–3054: Telegram
[392] Memorandum of Conversation, by the Secretary of State
Geneva, April 30, 1954—12:15
Eisenhower Library, Dulles papers, “Indochina”
[393] Memorandum of Conversation, by the Special Adviser to the United States Delegation (Merchant)
Geneva, April 30,
396.1 GE/4–3054
[394] Memorandum by the Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs (McCardle) to the Secretary of State
[Geneva,] April 30, 1954.
Eisenhower Library, Dulles papers
[395] The Economic Coordinator, Bureau of Far Eastern Affairs (Baldwin) to the Special Adviser to the United States Delegation (Robertson)
Washington, April 30, 1954.