Memorandum of Conversation, by the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Far Eastern Affairs (Johnson)1
- U.K. Adherence to Greater Sanctions Statement
- Mr. F.S. Tomlinson—British Embassy
- FE—U. Alexis Johnson
With reference to our previous discussions concerning British adherence to the Greater Sanctions Statement, Mr. Tomlinson today brought [Page 1148] me the attached text of a telegram to the Embassy from the Foreign Office:
[Here follows the text of a United Kingdom Foreign Office telegram in which the British Government expressed its willingness to stand by the original arrangements for the Greater Sanctions Statement made in January 1952. The British Government did hope, however, that the timing and method of release of the statement would reflect the changed circumstances prevailing at the time of the signature of the armistice.]
I told Mr. Tomlinson that I presumed that the British willingess to stand by the “original arrangement” provided for public adherence to the statement within 24 hours of the signing of the armistice in accordance with procedures originally agreed to. I said that we did not consider that a “confidential” notification was satisfactory and that unless I heard otherwise from them I would assume that they were prepared to sign and issue the statement as originally agreed.
- A note by O’Connor on the source text indicated that the Secretary of State saw this memorandum on June 8.↩