320/11–2552: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Department of State


Delga 256. Dept pass New Delhi. Sent New Delhi niact 5. Limited distribution. From USUN. Re Korea:

In further effort to meet Indian position, and in order to make absolute minimum changes in Indian draft, US prepared to agree to accept first sentence revised Indian version1 as is, amending second to read:

“If, at the end of a further thirty (30) days, there are any prisoners of war whose return to their homelands has not been effected under the above procedures, or whose future has not been provided for by the Political Conference, the responsibility for their care and disposition shall be transferred to a United Nations agency.”

[Page 680]

We hope this will lead to success in your efforts with Nehru, Delga 252.2

  1. The reference was to the revised version of paragraph 17; for the text, see telegram Delga 246, Nov. 24, p. 676.
  2. Supra.