The United States Deputy Representative at the United Nations (Gross) to the Assistant Secretary of State for United Nations Affairs (Hickerson)
eyes only for mr. hickerson
Dear Jack: You will undoubtedly wish to have this report for your record in response to your letter of July 71 regarding the follow-up on the Zinchenko conversation of June 27.
As I reported to you on the telephone, my efforts to see him were not successful. When I ascertained that he was not planning to attend the Security Council meeting, I asked Jack Ross to phone him to say that I would like to say good-bye to him and have a few words with him. This request, which was an unprecedented one on my part, undoubtedly was sufficient to tip him off that I had something in mind to talk to him about and he should have realized at once what the subject was.
After telling Jack Ross that he was very busy preparing for his departure from New York, he sent word to me later in the afternoon via Dr. Protitch that he was very sorry that he had been unable to see me, but he had had to rush away.
I think it is clear that if he had wished to pursue the matter, he could easily have found a few minutes to do so. Why he did not wish to do so is purely a matter of speculation.
You may want to consider the possible desirability of my following up with Malik. I shall, of course, not do anything in that direction unless and until I hear further from you.
Sincerely yours,