795B.00/6–152: Telegram
The Charge in Korea (Lightner) to the Department of State1
top secret
Pusan, June 1,
1229. Rptd info CINCUNC, EUSAK Advance DIP 245 by other means. Re Embtel 1228, June 1,2 rptd CINCUNC and EUSAK Advance as DIP 244.
There may be other alternatives to UNC martial law which might be tried pending decision and clearance to embark that irrevocable action. I refer to measures touched on in previous messages, steps beyond normal diplomatic approaches but short of UNC intervention.
- 1.
- Announcement withhold economic aid (except relief) along lines mentioned Embtel 1216, May 31.3
- 2.
- Movement of Naval vessels to Pusan harbor.
- 3.
- Movement UNC troop units to areas near Pusan.
- 4.
- Demands.
- 5.
- Exploration possibility arranging have ROK Army and Naval units act in much same way as UNC martial law envisaged.