795B.00/6–152: Telegram

The Chargé in Korea (Lightner) to the Department of State1

top secret

1228. Rptd info CINCUNC, EUSAK Advance DIP 244 by other means. Deptel 894, May 302 received late May 31 stresses importance exhausting every effort find compromise formula before imposing martial law and asks five questions to help consideration of problem.

I met morning June 1 with Plimsoll(UNCURK chairman for June) and Major Gen Herren (Gen Van Fleet’s rep here) to discuss reply and fol represents joint views unless otherwise specified.


Agree Gen Clark’s estimate contained his CX 693933 that martial law should not be imposed until combat operations or social and economic situation of Korea is adversely affected which in turn adversely affects military operations.

Fol are my additional comments this question: foregoing conditions subject wide degree interpretation as to when one or both of these conditions exists. I recognize must not take precipitate action of kind to jeopardize the military situation but trust this vital consideration plus need to get concurrence other govts won’t cause dangerous delay. Time now being used by Rhee to continue arrests (he has started on non Assembly groups), to bring in police reinforcements and to prepare his case for Communist conspiracy. Further dangers in time factor are: that internal troubles here may influence Red decision renew offensive, in which case we might be forced come to some kind agreement leaving Rhee in control, and that Commies can be expected make most of situation and step up subversive activities in ROK. These are main considerations that have influenced me to advocate speedy action as seems clear less costly take action now than later.

Plimsoll believes that if situation deteriorates to extent US Govt and UNC feel that military operations are affected, commission would recommend imposition of martial law by UNC.
Regarding effects of martial law in ROK circles, we feel that Rhee has capability, if unrestrained, of creating internal disturbances through his nation-wide organization. His reaction to M/L lifted no reason to believe Rhee would cease to defy National Assembly, etc. However, if UNC imposed M/L his actions would depend largely on scope permitted him (see first sentence this para).
As for political consequences, feel that moment new pres takes over, public would accept him: educated groups would welcome change; passive masses would cause no trouble and soon accept situation. [Page 280] In absence extreme pressure from UNC or martial law under UNC, considered probable Rhee would attempt nullify election new pres and continue in office. Under present harassment and intimidation possibilities National Assembly continuing to function diminishing daily.
Regarding procedures, scope and methods putting M/L in effect, believe M/L shld be accompanied by maximum publicity in Korea and throughout world a proclamation giving reasons for and objectives of such action. Objectives presumably shld include fact M/L limited to Pusan for period necessary to restore processes of constitutional govt.

Before imposing M/L believe UNCURK (after decision by US and other govts) shld request Unified Command take all appropriate measures, including if necessary use of force, to enable election of pres to be held freely and in accordance ROK constitution. This wld be followed at once by Unified Command directive to UNC. Action by UNC shld then be swift and decisive to minimize hostile reaction.

Immediate tasks might include:

Demand full cooperation of Rhee and Cabinet and exercise necessary surveillance to insure compliance. In case of refusal to cooperate take pres into protective custody.
Take over ROK police and military establishments Pusan.
Protect assemblymen and families, insure freedom of National Assembly to meet and effect release of those detained or arrested.
Issue directives to Information Media.
Provide fullest possible publicity as to reasons for action, including appropriate notification to provincial authorities.

  1. This telegram was relayed to the Department of Defense upon receipt at the Department of State.
  2. Ante, p. 269.
  3. Dated May 31, p. 274.