795B.00/5–2852: Telegram
The Chargé in Korea (Lightner) to the Department of State
1171. Rptd info CINCUNC Advance, EUSAK Advance DIP 204 by other means. Previous telegrams should give pretty good background recent developments Korean political sphere. Seems to us we have now very clear picture President Rhee’s intentions and methods he intends pursue to accomplish his purpose. Decision that must be squarely faced is whether we will permit him get away with his program. If in line with traditional non-intervention policy decision as to let him succeed, assume our action will be confined to diplomatic protest for the record. If we decide to go all-out in support of ROK constitution and democratic govt set up under UN aegis, series much stronger measures required and required soon. We envisage what amounts to ultimatum demanding immediate action to release Assemblymen (except So Min Ho whose case very special one), full protection of Assembly to meet, guarantee that Assemblymen and their families will be protected from future arrest and from mob violence and warning that if action not carried out within 24 hours necessary protective action will be taken by UN forces (possible removal of Assemblymen to safe areas).
Believe it still desirable for initial formal protest and demands be made by UNCURK, which I understand is discussing draft of such demands. However, suggest Dept needle Secretary General to give full support to UNCURK. If UNCURK action fails produce immediate results believe US Govt should follow through promptly on lines indicated above.
Realize we are not in position assess all angles of problem but I submit that if democratic process is permitted to be violated here in Korea where UN forces and agencies are in special position in security, economic and political fields, we will give impression to the new governments of the Far East and to the world in general that we are unwilling fully back the system and ideology we profess. This applies particularly to Korea where the very elements on whom we have been relying for building democracy here will be completely disillusioned.