611.95A241/12–654: Telegram

No. 429
The United States Representative at the United Nations (Lodge) to the Department of State


Delga 346. Re: US fliers held by Red China. Following is new draft resolution agreed by US and UK, substantially as reported to the Secretary this morning.

“The General Assembly:

“Having considered the item proposed by the US as the UC regarding eleven members of the US Armed Forces under the UNC captured by Chinese forces when undertaking a mission on January 12, 1953, at the direction of the UNC;

“Recalling the provisions of Article III of the Korean armistice agreement regarding the repatriation of POWs;

“Declares that the detention and imprisonment of the eleven American airmen, members of the UNC, referred to in document [Page 994] A/2830,1 and the detention of all other captured personnel of the UNC desiring repatriation is a violation of the Korean armistice agreement;

“Condemns, as contrary to the Korean armistice agreement, the trial and conviction of POWs illegally detained after the 25th of September 1953;

“Requests the SYG, in the name of the UN, to seek the release, in accordance with the Korean armistice agreement, of these eleven UNC personnel, and all other captured personnel of the UNC still detained;

“Requests the SYG to make continuing and unremitting efforts to this end and to report progress to all members on or before December 31, 1954.”
