293.1111/6–354: Telegram

No. 206
The Secretary of State to the United States Delegation at the Geneva Conference1


Tedul 152. From Secretary. Re Secto 350.2

I concur in your recommendation that a member of USDel Geneva accompany Trevelyan in at least one meeting with Chinese Communists re release Americans now in Chinese hands.
There are disadvantages in having Robertson, who is an Asst Secretary, represent U.S. in such a meeting. However, your point re level of representation is well taken and therefore I authorize Alexis Johnson (who is accredited to a Communist country and has had experience in negotiations with Chinese re Korea) to accompany Trevelyan.
Please keep us informed re date meeting will occur.
  1. A note on the source text states that the telegram was sent at Dulles’ direction; it was drafted by MacArthur.
  2. Document 203.