756D.5 MAP/1–752: Telegram

No. 180
The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Indonesia


709. For Cochran. You are highly commended for having obtained Indo Govt acceptance Sec 511–a of MSA1 (urtel 963 Jan 7) by Jan 8 deadline and in face Indo acute and continuously jealous regard for its policy of independence. Dept considers that by your action you have been responsible for persuading Indo Govt to take additional step toward alignment with West.

In accordance your request US Govt will not publish wording exchange of notes unless and until legally obligatory. US Govt furthermore will give no specific publicity to Indo acceptance MSA unless and until desired by Emb and MSA Djakarta. This of course can not preclude inclusion Indo in published lists countries giving required MSA assurances, particularly since report must be made to Cong shortly.

  1. Reference is to the Mutual Security Act of 1951, approved Oct. 10, 1951. (65 Stat. 373) Acceptance of the terms of section 511(a) of the Act was necessary to qualify a country for U.S. military aid. Acceptance of the terms of section 511(b) would qualify a country for U.S. economic and technical assistance.

    Telegram 707 to Djakarta, Jan. 7, authorized Ambassador Cochran to urge the Indonesian Government to accept 511(b) if he was satisfied that 511(a) would be unacceptable, but this message was sent just prior to the receipt of telegram 963 reporting the successful conclusion of the negotiations on 511(a). (756D.5 MSP/1–752)