United States political and economic relations with Burma; United States concern with the presence of Chinese Nationalist Troops in Burma1

1. For previous documentation, see Foreign Relations, 1951, vol. vi, Part 1, pp. 267 ff.

[151] No. 151
The Ambassador in Burma (Sebald) to the Department of State

690B.9321/3–954: Telegram

[152] No. 152
The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in Burma

690B.9321/3–1154: Telegram

[153] No. 153
The Ambassador in Burma (Sebald) to the Department of State

690B.9321/3–1454: Telegram

[154] No. 154
Prime Minister Nu to President Eisenhower

Eisenhower Library, Eisenhower papers, Whitman file

[155] No. 155
The Ambassador in Burma (Sebald) to the Department of State

690B.9321/3–1654: Telegram

[156] No. 156
The Secretary of State to the Embassy in the Republic of China

690B.9321/3–1554: Telegram

[157] No. 157
The Chargé in Thailand (Parsons) to the Department of State

690B.9321/3–2554: Telegram

[158] No. 158
The Ambassador in Burma (Sebald) to the Department of State

790B.5 MSP/3–2954: Despatch

[159] No. 159
President Eisenhower to Prime Minister Nu


[160] No. 160
The Chargé in Thailand (Parsons) to the Department of State

690B.9321/4–954: Telegram

[161] No. 161
The Chargé in Thailand (Parsons) to the Department of State

690B.9321/4–2354: Telegram

[163] No. 163
The Ambassador in Thailand (Donovan) to the Department of State

690B.9321/5–2254: Telegram

[165] No. 165
The Ambassador in Burma (Sebald) to the Department of State

690B.9321/6–254: Telegram

[166] No. 166
The Secretary of State to the Embassy in the Republic of China

690B.9321/6–154: Telegram

[168] No. 168
The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Thailand

690B.9321/6–1654: Telegram

[171] No. 171
The Ambassador in Burma (Sebald) to the Department of State

790B.00/7–1354: Telegram

[172] No. 172
The Chargé in Burma (Acly) to the Department of State

790B.00/7–1654: Telegram

[173] No. 173
The Chargé in Burma (Acly) to the Department of State

890B.2317/10–2254: Telegram

[174] No. 174
Paper Approved by the Operations Coordinating Board

OCB files, lot 62 D 430, “Burma”

[176] No. 176
The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Burma

890B.2317/11–1154: Telegram

[177] No. 177
The Chargé in Burma (Acly) to the Department of State

790B.5 MSP/12 2354: Telegram