Memorandum of Conversation, by the Officer in Charge of Philippine Affairs (Bell)
- Five-Power Staff Talks
- Dr. Melquiades Gamboa, Philippine Charge d’Affaires
- Captain Carlos Albert, Philippine Armed Forces Attaché
- FE—Mr. Drumright
- PSA—Mr. Bell
Dr. Gamboa referred to press reports of five-power military staff conversations and asked Mr. Drumright if he could confirm or deny these reports.
Mr. Drumright stated that such conversations with the British and the French had been held periodically since about 1950 or 1951, that the Australians and the New Zealanders were brought in in 1952, that some of these conversations had been held in Honolulu and in Indochina, and that they were concerned primarily with an exchange of views on intelligence and planning. He pointed out that these discussions had been held on a “low level.” Mr. Drumright further emphasized that we are continuing with our plans for united action concerning which the Philippines have already been consulted and that the meetings of the five-power military staff representatives were completely separate from united action. He stated that the British had been reluctant to participate in any united-action plan until after the Geneva Conference and that the British had suggested the five-power staff discussions. Mr. Drumright stated that the possibility of five-power staff discussions was under active consideration but that no firm decision had yet been reached by this Government. He emphasized to Dr. Gamboa that it was our hope to keep the Philippines and Thailand informed during any such staff discussions.
Captain Albert asked if the discussions now under consideration would be on a higher level than previously and Mr. Drumright confirmed that such was the expectation. Mr. Gamboa asked if the discussions would be held in Washington and Mr. Drumright said that we favored Washington as a meeting place.