788.5/4–2052: Telegram

No. 171
The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Iran1


2312. Draft Iran note (urtel 4024 Apr 19) as amended by ur 4029 Apr 202 acceptable provided change made which shld not present great difficulties for Iran Gov.

This is in preamble beginning “my Govt”. As now worded this sentence might be misinterpreted as ungracious and unfriendly and cause unnecessary difficulty. Substitution of “welcomes” for “has never withheld acceptance of wld avoid this difficulty. Alternatively, entire sentence might be omitted.

Regret necessity suggesting change in text but hope this modification will not prove difficult.

If Iran Gov agrees note as modified above, suggest ur reply acknowledge receipt Mosadeq note and refer to conversations between two Govts on question US mil and econ aid. You might then state in view contents his communication, US Gov prepared resume mil aid as soon as possible.

Fol is suggested press release to be put out by both Govts:

“Conversations which have been proceeding for several months between Iran and US Govs on question Amer mil assistance to Iran have now been concluded and US has recd from Iran assurances which qualify that country to again receive this assistance. Shipments of mil supplies by US Gov will be resumed as soon as possible.”

If exchange takes place, suggest you pt out at least to Shah but also to Mosadeq if you deem advisable that substantial interruption [Page 376] in Iran mil program may result in some delay before shipments in large quantity can be resumed by US will do its best to expedite.

  1. Drafted by C. Vaughan Ferguson and Rountree and approved by Matthews.
  2. On Apr. 20 Ambassador Henderson notified the Department to substitute the word “strengthen” for “defend” in the final paragraph of the Iranian draft note. (Telegram 4029; 788.5/4–2052)