641.74/7–2154: Telegram
No. 1346
The Secretary of
State to the Embassy in
94. We informed British Embassy July 19 Secretary believes Egypt will not accept duration beyond seven years and suggested UK consider proposal advanced by Secretary to Churchill and Eden during recent visit. See memorandum conversation Churchill Talks CEV MC 5 Page 2.2
British Embassy today expressed hope our view did not mean we intended relax support for Britain in negotiations. Department said Caffery is continuing strong efforts although making no progress. We added latest reports confirmed our belief Egyptians would stick on duration.3
- Repeated to London as telegram 434.↩
Not printed; presumably the Secretary’s proposal under reference as stated in CEV MC–5, June 28, 1954, which reads as follows:
“Mr. Dulles stated he thought another approach might prove politically acceptable. Now that the British have decided to greatly reduce the extent of the Base area, they could point out to the Egyptians that a part of the Base would be handed over to them within a relatively short period, say two years. In return for this the Egyptians might accept longer term arrangements on the remaining portion to be maintained by civilian contractors. Mr. Eden thought this a valuable new suggestion.” (CFM files, lot M 88, “Churchill–Eden Visit Washington June 25–29, 1954 Memos of Conversation”)
↩- According to telegram 112 from Cairo, July 26, not printed, Ambassador Caffery reported that the British Secretary of State for War, Anthony Head, had been given full authorization by London to conclude a Suez agreement including, if necessary, the acceptance of a 7–year duration period. Moreover, Head would probably ask for some extension of the 15–month evacuation period in return. (641.74/7–2654)↩