United States Political, Economic, and Military Relations with Saudi Arabia1

1. For previous documentation, see Foreign Relations, 1951, vol. V, pp. 1017 ff.

[1434] No. 1434
The Ambassador in Saudi Arabia (Hare) to the Department of State

786A.5 MSP/2–2752: Telegram

[1439] No. 1439
The Ambassador in Saudi Arabia (Hare) to the Department of State

711.5886A/7–2652: Telegram

[1440] No. 1440
The Ambassador in Saudi Arabia (Hare) to the Department of State

711.56386A/8–452: Telegram

[1445] No. 1445
The Ambassador in Saudi Arabia (Hare) to the Department of State

786A.5 MSP/11–2552: Telegram

[1446] No. 1446
The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in Saudi Arabia

611.86A/11–2652: Telegram

[1447] No. 1447
The Ambassador in Saudi Arabia (Hare) to the Department of State

611.86A/12–1052: Telegram

[1449] No. 1449
The Ambassador in Saudi Arabia (Hare) to the Department of State

786A.5 MSP/2–1453: Telegram

[1457] No. 1457
The Chargé in Saudi Arabia (Jones) to the Department of State

611.86A/10–1453: Telegram

[1458] No. 1458
The Chargé in Saudi Arabia (Jones) to the Department of State

786A.11/11–1053: Telegram

[1459] No. 1459
The Chargé in Saudi Arabia (Jones) to the Department of State

711.56386A/12–1653: Telegram

[1460] No. 1460
The Consul at Dhahran (Hackler) to the Department of State

711.56386A/12–2053: Telegram

[1461] No. 1461
The Consul at Dhahran (Hackler) to the Department of State

786A.5 MSP/1–1854: Telegram

  1. This memorandum of conversation was prepared on Jan. 23.
  2. This memorandum was prepared by Awalt between May 5 and 8.
  3. This memorandum of conversation was prepared between Aug. 20 and Aug. 22.
  4. This memorandum of conversation was prepared on Mar. 24.