684A.85/11–3053: Telegram

No. 747
The Chargé in Jordan (Lynch) to the Department of State1


249. Talked with Prime Minister November 29 and set forth at length views expressed Deptel 231.2 Believe Prime Minister fully appreciates desirability attending conference in conformity Article 12 general armistice agreement. He and his government, however, extremely apprehensive of domestic political implications of any action which might be construed by opponents as cooperation with Israel. They fear not only for tenure of present government but also for their lives.

Prime Minister told me that it was necessary discuss problem with other Arab states. I replied I thought this unnecessary and would cause unfortunate delay in replying Secretary General’s communication. British Ambassador tells me he also talked with Prime Minister along same lines as I did and he urged upon Prime Minister necessity for immediate reply.

Government now seeking a formula which will permit them accede Secretary General’s request without causing them to be accused of entering upon peace talks with Israel. The phrase “within the framework of the general armistice agreement” is receiving consideration as a part of their reply.

Jordan is determined that talks shall not be on ministerial level and if she accepts will probably insist upon Jerusalem as meeting [Page 1449] place. Believe there is fair chance of acceptance by Jordan hedged about with reservations.

  1. Repeated to Baghdad, Beirut, Cairo, Damascus, Jerusalem, Jidda, London, Paris, Tel Aviv, and New York.
  2. Document 739.