684A.85/11–2453: Telegram
No. 739
The Secretary of
State to the Embassy in
231. Israel has asked UNSYG to convoke conference between Israel and Jordan under provisions Article 12 General Armistice [Page 1438] Agreement. Text Israeli communication sent you separately.2 Secretary General has indicated he believes it mandatory on him convoke conference.
This Israeli move was made without any warning to us and US Government had no hand in instigating it. Israelis confirmed to us that they took decision as a result failure their efforts draw Jordan into general discussions New York.
We have as yet no indication Jordan or other Arab attitude toward proposed conference but assume it likely be adverse. We believe, however, it would be serious mistake for Jordan refuse attend conference as this would be clear refusal implement specific and mandatory obligation laid down Armistice Agreement. Jordan position in UN and with World opinion would be gravely damaged. Terms of Armistice limit conference to “reviewing, revising or suspending” provisions of Armistice, other than Articles 1 and 3. Thus, meeting would not constitute “peace conference”. We do not see how US could continue give sympathetic attention Jordan’s frontier problems in face her disregard for instrument to which she is partner and which is sole basis of security on border.
We realize any US initiative in connection proposed conference may be interpreted by Arabs as evidence our “complicity” in move to bring about “peace talks”. Nevertheless, if conference called we intend support it to extent practicable and hope useful results may materialize. While present time may not be most auspicious moment, no opportunity should be passed by.
Embassy Amman and Missions other Arab capitals should take earliest occasion to convey US views summarized this tel. We hope that if conference is called Jordan will at once indicate willingness attend. (Jordan Minister Haikal has already told Security Council his country willing discuss security problems with Israel through MAC in Jerusalem and Jordan has in past participated in “high level” meetings with Israelis. This is not in fact very different from Article 12 conference since both procedures stem from Armistice Agreement. FYI We have indicated to Israel Ambassador we do not interpret Haikal statement in SC as categoric rejection Israel offer to negotiate.) End FYI. We would also hope Jordan would enter conference with open mind and sincere desire achieve some concrete progress on outstanding security problems. Purely negative attitude would be almost as damaging as refusal to attend.
On Israeli side, we believe there should likewise be sincere desire to accomplish genuine though limited progress. If Israelis attempt [Page 1439] use conference merely as means of putting Jordan in bad light by making sweeping proposals, it certain to fail. Embassy Tel Aviv should emphasize following to GOI:
Usefulness Israel suggestion will depend on manner presentation, modesty Israel’s objectives, and existing political climate. We hope conference will be productive concrete results and we will use our influence to that end, to extent practicable. It would be unwise for Israel to exert pressure which would embarrass Government of Jordan with its own people and force it into intransigent position. We believe Israel’s best course is to strive only for limited, and therefore possibly attainable, objectives.
All addressees please urgently report local reaction to Israeli proposal.
- Repeated to Baghdad, Beirut, Cairo, Damascus, Jidda, Tel Aviv, and Jerusalem; sent by pouch to New York, Paris, and London.↩
- The text of Eban’s letter of Nov. 23 to the Secretary-General invoking Article XII of the Israel-Jordan Armistice Agreement (U.N. doc. S/3140) was sent to Amman in telegram 232, Nov. 24, 6:45 p.m. (684A.85/11–2453)↩