320.2 AA/4–2252: Telegram

No. 425
The Secretary of State to the Legation in Lebanon1


1081. Dept considers development Jordan River Valley highly desirable at earliest possible date. Development wld permit resettlement substantial numbers Pal refugees in Jordan and wld strengthen econ structures riparian states with benefits to polit stability entire area. MacDonald report to Jordan Govt, and Hays–Savage and subsequent reports to Pal and Israel Govts indicate technical feasibility of large-scale development if polit problems can be solved and active coop affected states can be obtained.

To permit determination of measures necessary to achieve this objective, Dept believes essential preliminary step is interpretation detailed engineering and legal studies of Jordan water system by impartial technicians in light present facts. These studies shld include: (1) comparison and analysis of development proposals already made, (2) tabulation of existing concessions in area affecting water usage, (3) discussion of water rights riparian states, and (4) recommendations for resolving conflicting interests in light technical possibilities. Recommendations might go so far as to include suggestions looking toward creation intl body representing riparian states and charged with responsibility of seeking necessary concurrences to program and settlement of problems that arise from its execution.

[Page 921]

In view importance Jordan Valley development to refugee resettlement and potential of UNRWA development funds, Dept believes UNRWA is agency to take initiative in obtaining necessary technical and legal info. US member ADCOM is accordingly requested urge UNRWA consider appt special rep with broad factfinding responsibilities re Jordan Valley. Rep wld contract with individuals and firms to prepare necessary studies based on available data and wld assemble final report.

Ur comments and early indication reaction other members ADCOM wld be appreciated. It is fully appreciated here that this is an initial prerequisite to subsequent action, and that there will inevitably be delays in reaching polit agreement. However, impartial factfinding may well expedite polit settlement.

  1. Identified also as telegram Unrap 249. Repeated to Jidda, Tel Aviv, Cairo, Baghdad, Damascus, and Amman.