760.5/7–1454: Telegram

No. 351
The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Greece1

top secret

129. Believe as appropriate occasion arises representatives tripartite powers should now reflect general encouragement we feel as result apparent imminent agreement between Greeks, Turks and Yugoslavs on text which, while we cannot commit ourselves officially until we see final draft we believe we will be able wholeheartedly support before NATO and with Italians (Ankara’s 63 and 672). Feeling we should inject some encouragement this juncture heightened by situation reported Belgrade telegram 373 and [Page 666] Ankara telegram 68 to Department.4 Suggest US representatives Athens and Ankara seek occasion express our appreciation to governments to which accredited that the Greeks and Turks accepted our observations in the spirit they were intended, and that they successfully undertook the difficult task of bringing the Yugoslavs around to an acceptable position. Riddleberger may similarly find occasion convey our feeling of encouragement to Yugoslavs that they, Greeks and Turks now appear to be on threshold of agreement on text which can meet NATO problem.

We hope Greek, Turk, Yugoslav negotiations on revised text will be terminated expeditiously in order allow presentation to NAC a suitable period prior Ministerial meeting and signature which we now understand scheduled for around July 30. Would also appreciate information as to what soundings Greeks and Turks have already made with other NATO members, and their reactions.

  1. Drafted by Marcy; cleared in WE, RA, BNA, GTI, and NEA; and signed for the Secretary by Thurston. Repeated for action to Ankara, Belgrade, and London, and for information to Paris and Rome.
  2. Telegram 63 from Ankara, July 14, recounted a conversation between Warren and Birgi in which the former was assured that the Turks would do all they could to make consistent the articles of the military alliance with those of the North Atlantic Treaty. (760.5/7–1454) Telegram 67, July 15, expressed Warren’s hope that the United States would support Turkish assurances to the Italian Government that the military pact would not conflict with the North Atlantic Treaty. (760.5/7–1554)
  3. Telegram 37 from Belgrade, July 14, reported that the Yugoslavs were bitter about the delay in signing the military pact and that they attributed this delay to U.S. pressure. (760.5/7–1454)
  4. Telegram 68, July 15, reported that the Greeks were much more pessimistic about the chances for the early conclusion of a military pact than were the Turks. (760.5/7–1554)