No. 593
Editorial Note
A United States Delegation which included Secretary of State Dulles, Secretary of the Treasury Humphrey, Secretary of Defense Wilson, and Director for Mutual Security Stassen left Washington on April 21 for the North Atlantic Council Ministerial meeting in Paris beginning April 23. In addition to the NAC meetings, arrangements had been made for a series of bilateral and trilateral talks with the British and French; for documentation concerning the NAC meetings of April 23–26 and the bilateral discussions with the British on April 23 and 25 as well as the trilateral talks with the British and French on April 25, see volume V, Part 1, pages 368 ff. Reports of all the bilateral meetings with the French follow, excluding discussions concerning the Laotian question for which see volume XIII, Part 1, pages 505 ff.
Copies of all the talking papers and speaking papers prepared in anticipation of the talks with the French arc in CFM files, lot M–88, and Conference files, lot 59 D 95, CF 153.