Memorandum Prepared in the Department of State1
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… the United States Government suggests the following draft resolution for Council action on MC 48:
“Resolution on the Most Effective Pattern of NATO Military Strength for the Next Few Years
“The North Atlantic Council
“Recalling the Organization’s resolve to unite their efforts for collective defense and for the preservation of peace and security;
[Page 542]“Recognizing that the success of these efforts will be assured only if an effective military force is maintained capable of deterring aggression by facing a potential enemy with unacceptable risks and of assuring an effective defense of NATO territory in the event of attack;
“Recognizing further that technological developments in the arsenal of modern weapons must be taken into account in developing defense plans and in building forces therefor;
“Having considered the Report by the North Atlantic Military Commitee on The Most Effective Pattern of NATO Military Strength For The Next Few Years;
“Accepts in principle and for planning purposes the Military Committee’s recommendations on that Report;
“Directs the NATO military authorities to accept as a basis for military planning the assumptions, conclusions and recommendations of MC 48;
“Urges member governments to consider measures required to direct their national defense efforts towards the development of forces in support of this pattern;
“Resolves that future Annual Reviews shall, as appropriate, take these measures and the recommendations of the Military Authorities into account in developing a pattern of NATO military strength which supports the concepts indicated in MC 48;
“Directs the Permanent Council and the Military authorities to arrange for continuous and progressive Council consideration of the major actions, including a review of the alert and NATO consultative procedures in the event of attack, required to support the concepts indicated in MC 48, and of further studies referred to in that report, with a view towards further consideration of these matters at the next meeting of the North Atlantic Council.”
There is no indication on the source text regarding the officers responsible for preparing this memorandum. The source text was an attachment to a memorandum of Dec. 8 from Merchant to Secretary Dulles which recommended that when the matter was discussed with President Eisenhower it be made clear that “in the course of [North Atlantic] Council meeting, and in view of the seriousness of this issue and the attitude of other governments, it may be necessary to retreat somewhat in phraseology from the precise language of the proposed resolution.”
This resolution was probably discussed with President Eisenhower during a meeting with Dulles and Radford reported upon in Goodpaster’s memorandum of Dec. 8, not printed. (Conference files, lot 60 D 627, CF 420) It appears, however, that this memorandum or a revision thereof, was never delivered to the British.