
Memorandum of Telephone Conversation, by the Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs (Merchant)

top secret


  • NATO “New Approach”


  • Sir Roger Makins
  • Livingston T. Merchant

Sir Roger called me to say that he had heard from Sir Anthony Eden after his report of his talk on this subject with the Secretary on December 4.1 He said that Sir Anthony agreed with the Secretary’s general reactions, believing it important to keep the discussion of this matter between governments and to avoid the establishment of any formal machinery in the Council. The important thing is to enable SACEUR to get on with its planning. Sir Anthony thought that a resolution along the lines of his draft1 was the right answer and Sir Roger added that Mike Pearson had been consulted in New York and agreed.

I said we had some thoughts of our own as to the form of the resolution and might have some comments and ideas to pass on to him within the next two or three days.

  1. Not printed.
  2. Not printed.