B. United States concern with the composition of the staff of the United Nations Secretariat; Problems arising for the United States out of decisions relating thereto, made by the United Nations Administrative Tribunal (1953) and the International Court of Justice (1954)
[170] The Secretary of State to Certain Diplomatic Missions
December 11, 1954—1:28 p.m.
315.3/12–1154: Circular telegram
[171] The United States Representative at the United Nations (Lodge) to the Department of State
New York, December 11, 1954—7 p.m.
315.3/12–1154: Telegram
[172] The Secretary of State to Certain Diplomatic Missions
December 12, 1954—5:12 p.m.
315.3/12–1254: Circular telegram
[173] The Secretary of State to the Embassy in France
December 13, 1954—6:15 p.m.
315.3/12–1354: Telegram
[174] The Ambassador in France (Dillon) to the Department of State
Paris, December 13, 1954—5 p.m.
315.3/12–1354: Telegram