711.5611/7–654: Telegram
The Deputy United States Representative at the United Nations (Wadsworth) to the Department of State
Received 11: 36 p.m.
10. Reference Marshallese petition. US trusteeship delegation was today shown by UN Secretariat copy of draft resolution submitted by USSR on Marshallese petition and given informal translation of Russian text. Main points as follows: [Page 1507]
Preamble declares H-bomb experiments in trust territory inconsistent with UN charter, especially Article 83 (2), and with trusteeship agreement and US obligations under trusteeship system.
Operative paragraphs recommend that:
- (a)
- US stop tests in trust territory.
- (b)
- Provide full compensation to those affected by recent tests.
- (c)
- Restore full rights of inhabitants to all land used for tests.
Resolution will be circulated tomorrow morning as document TC/.2/L.101.