315/4–2353: Telegram

The United States Representative at the United Nations (Lodge) to the Department of State


635. Subject: Headquarters Agreement Negotiations. Re: Tuesday telephone conversation SandiferHall.

To avoid embarrassment in ECOSOC, USUN under Secretariat pressure agreed to be able to respond to ECOSOC that meetings underway. Accordingly scheduled meeting held Wednesday p.m., Secretariat presented suggested agenda. USUN and Secretariat agreed on following procedural points:

No chairman required.
Summary minutes to be prepared by member UN Secretariat but to be used as record only after approval by both parties negotiation.
Procedure to permit exchange written memoranda in lieu of oral statements where negotiations will be facilitated thereby.
Discussions initially to focus on principles rather than specific cases and effort to be made to avoid involvement any cases arising social commission other upcoming meetings. Secretariat to survey possible cases that may arise next few weeks with view to avoiding involvement of negotiations.

USUN declined lacking instructions to discuss Secretariat proposals for inclusion substantial points agenda beyond:

Agreeing negotiations entail continuing relationships US and UN.
Noting negotiations had to be approached highest level political and policy consideration in mind.

Copy of draft Secretariat agenda will be forwarded Department. Next meeting tentatively set for 3 p.m., Monday. USUN cautioned heavy schedule responsible Washington officials appearances appropriations committees on UN and State Department items might delay formulation and despatch instructions to USUN.
