
The Counselor of Embassy in the Netherlands (Trimble) to the Department of State

No. 251
  • Subject:
  • Belgian Withdrawal from United Nations Dependent Areas Committee

Several members of the Netherlands Foreign Office, including the Secretary General Baron van Tuyll, have expressed surprise at the action of the Belgian Government in withdrawing from participation in the work of the Committee on Information from Non-self-governing [Page 1319] Territories without advance notice or consultation with the Netherlands Government. The Netherlands reaction is not unexpected in view of the fact that the Benelux organization is supposed to further close consultation between the Benelux partners on foreign policy questions. Foreign Office officials believe that the lack of consultation in this connection can be explained by the apparently predominant influence in policy determination in dependent areas affairs exercised by the Belgian Ministry of Colonies. In both the Netherlands and Belgium the colonial ministries share responsibility with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, but in the Netherlands the Ministry of Foreign Affairs largely determines United Nations policies.

The Netherlands is concerned at the present lack of balance in the Committee between the representatives of the Administering and the representatives of the Non-Administering Powers. This concern is prompted by the possibility that the Committee may adopt some resolutions or procedures contrary to Netherlands interests in the case of Netherlands New Guinea. Presumably difficulties might also arise with respect to the cessation of reporting on Surinam and the Netherlands West Indies. Several Foreign Office officials have suggested the possibility that further developments in the Committee could result in the Netherlands also withdrawing from participation in it. The Embassy, however, has been assured by these officials that if such action were contemplated the Netherlands would consult with the United States.

J. Harold Shullaw

First Secretary of Embassy