310.2/11–1054: Telegram
The United States Representative at the United Nations (Lodge) to the Department of State
Delga 216. Re membership. Argentina, Cuba, El Salvador and India today tabled joint draft combining their respective earlier proposals. (Delga 213) Argentina, Cuba and El Salvador also tabled separate resolution on ten qualified applicants. (Delga 212). We plan, in absence other willing sponsor, to move amendment adding ROK and Vietnam, which will be before Committee when it meets tomorrow afternoon.
There was inconclusive discussion in Committee concerning procedure to be followed in dealing with various resolutions. Australia proposed all resolutions be discussed concurrently and decision re order of voting defferred until discussion completed. India, strongly supported by Argentina and others, moved that Committee decide to vote first on combined Indian-Latin American draft (Delga 213). It is obvious from Committee discussion and conversation between Menon [Page 1069] and Wadsworth after meeting that following vote on Indian-LA Resolution, proposal would be made which would avoid vote on other resolutions we estimate Indian motion will carry. USSR supported Indian proposal. Ordonneau (France) informs us that USSR is prepared not to seek vote its package proposal if others not pressed.
In informal discussions after meeting with Australians, British, French and New Zealanders, their estimate also was Indian motion to give Indian-Latin American Resolution priority would carry. Ordonneau (France) expressed view best face-saving tactic was probably to “go along gracefully” with Menon proposal and let other proposals be referred in some way to SC. He believed, that while Australian Resolution would carry despite substantial number abstentions (his estimate all Arabs, some LA’s and all Asian states except Pakistan and Thailand would abstain) affirmative vote would be considerably smaller than in past, possibly not more than twenty. Ordonneau said also, that on basis their canvassing, indications are that Vietnam would be in even worse position, and even ROK unlikely emerge with good vote in light of irritations of some Dels with them. Ordonneau said France would vote in favor of Vietnam.
Crosthwaite (UK) concurred generally in French views and pointed out particular problem in connection Vietnam since UK now instructed abstain which would mean unfortunate divergence would become public, which he regarded as serious. This reason alone, Crosthwaite felt, made it most undesirable to press for vote on other resolutions after adoption of Indian-Latin American joint draft. He explained UK abstention based on view should not buy “pig in a poke”.
It became clear tactics would depend upon whether Australia decided not to press for vote on Laos and Cambodia, it being generally understood that if they sought vote on their resolution other resolutions including Soviet package and our amendment re ROK and Vietnam would also be put to vote.
Australians seeking instructions on whether (1) press motion to accord priority their resolution on Laos and Cambodia which is likely be defeated; and (2) insist upon vote their proposal on Laos and Cambodia.
Re (1) above, unless Australians decide they must seek vote on according priority to their proposal Laos and Cambodia, which we would support but which would almost certainly be defeated, we believe we should support Indian priority motion.
Re (2) above, if Australians do not press for vote on Laos and Cambodia, we believe we should go along without pressing for vote on any of pending proposals particularly in light of shaky position of Laos and Cambodia and definitely unfavorable situation on Vietnam.
[Page 1070]If situation develops in this way, next question will be whether Committee actually refers resolutions that have been tabled to SC after Indian-Latin American joint draft adopted, or whether there will be general agreement that since joint Indian-LA resolution provides for sending records to SC, no further action necessary. We would hope latter course would be followed but if specific resolutions referred to SC we intend make clear Soviet package proposal is in entirely different category from other proposals which cover applicants already determined qualified for admission.