320/9–2954: Circular telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to Certain Diplomatic Missions1
168. Re Arrangements Non-Member Participation UN General Assembly. US continues strongly favor admission all qualified applicants to full UN membership as SecState emphasized his GA speech September 23. However so long as seems no prospect their admission in view Soviet intransigence US decided it necessary consider alternative means drawing them into Organization’s work. USGADel now consulting in NY in effort elicit majority support for arrangements for non-member participation. We have not submitted formal proposal.
[Page 1028]As indicated intel September 22 we envisage arrangements whereby GA would invite all applicants whose admission blocked in SC by Soviet veto to participate in GA and send resident representative UN headquarters. Terms proposal exclude Soviet-sponsored applicants. Any time after adoption this proposal qualified applicants could decide whether accept GA invitation.
While GA action not dependent advance commitment applicants accept invitation naturally greater support for proposal will be forthcoming if some applicants express interest. While each applicant must decide for itself whether accept invitation we hope qualified states would decide participate. We believe they can contribute to work of organization. We do not believe acceptance such arrangements will affect adversely chances for admission to full membership. US intends continue to press for admission all qualified applicants in every feasible way.
Request you discuss above with Foreign Office and report reactions soonest.
- Drafted by Brown (UNP) and concurred in by Eric Stein, Officer in Charge, Pacific Settlement Affairs, cleared with the geographic bureaus (except ARA) and signed by Assistant Secretary Key. Sent to six posts as printed here, and to seven other posts with additional instructions; repeated for information to USUN in New York.↩