UNP files, lot 59 D 237, “Membership”
Memorandum of Telephone Conversation, by the Deputy United States Representative at the United Nations (Wadsworth)
York,] September 1, 1954.
- Subject:
- 1) Australian Item re Admission of Laos and Cambodia;
- 2) Ad Hoc Commission on Prisoners of War
- Participants:
- Mr. Dag Hammarskjold, Secretary General, United Nations
- Ambassador James J. Wadsworth, United States Mission
In a telephone conversation with Mr. Hammarskjold this morning, the following points were covered:
- 1)
- He was seriously disturbed by the action of Australia in suggesting the item on Laos and Cambodia, could not see where it could do anyone any good, and might easily throw the General Assembly into a violent and non-productive debate on Indo China. He is toying with the idea of writing a personal note to Casey, but will wait until after he has talked with Sir Pierson Dixon tomorrow.
- 2)
- I indicated the United States Government’s strong desire to have the Ad Hoc Commission on POW’s continued, and he agreed enthusiastically to do everything he could to keep Guerrero and others on the job. He apparently had not considered seriously that they would close down.