320/9–1953: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Mission at the United Nations1


Gadel 7. Re: membership.

Dept reluctant accept Belaunde suggestion for committee to negotiate membership settlement. In view our present inability embark [Page 970] upon political solution membership deadlock, committee could only be source of embarrassment and difficulty to us. Doubt utility creating illusion of possible progress on membership problem in absence of supporting evidence.
However, we appreciate tactical advantage avoiding rigidly negative attitude toward idea for which Belaunde can probably muster considerable support, as indicated by favorable reaction of UK and Netherlands Delegations. If US Delegation concurs, we suggest you might therefore take cautiously favorable position vis-à-vis Belaunde proposal, and press for text least harmful US objectives. Points made last three paragraphs Delga 13 would be helpful and should if possible be included in draft resolution.
Would appreciate receipt of draft texts as they are developed.
  1. Drafted and signed by Popper; cleared with the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for UN Affairs (Popper) and the geographic bureaus (NEA not included)