320/12–1352: Telegram
The United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin) to the Department of State
Delga 365. Re membership. Poland submitted this morning expected package deal res reading as fols.
“The GA
Requests the SC to consider the applications of (Albania, the Mongolian People’s Republic, Bulgaria, Rumania, Hungary, Finland, Italy, Portugal, Ireland, Jordan, Austria, Ceylon, Nepal and Libya) in order to submit a recommendation on the simultaneous admission of all these states of members of the UN organization.”
Staff suggests USDel take fol position on above res:
1. While continuing to make clear our opposition to this proposal, we shld acquiesce in reference of Polish draft res along with all other proposals now before comite to intersessional study comite. This wld be logical consequence of our support for idea of full study of all proposals made on this subject and is in line with Sen Wiley’s speech this morning.
If vote on res cannot be avoided (a) vote against it, or (b) support amendment along line of Dept position paper SD/A/C.1/402 so that amended res wld ask SC to reconsider all pending applications including those of Cambodia, Japan, Laos, Republic of Korea, and Vietnam. While we wld prefer voting res down, sentiment in comite may make amendment approach desirable or even necessary.
Jebb (UKDel) strongly favors reference to intersessional comite. Ordonneau (Fr) has open mind and indicated will fol our lead. Shaw (Austral) agrees with Jebb. We are making further soundings. We spoke to Ushiroku today who informed us that he had received word from Tokyo that his govt concurs in separate res. He suggested US continue carry ball in this regard. We gave him copy fol draft res: On Jap:
“The GA
Noting that ten members of the SC, on 18 Sept 1952, supported a draft res recommending the admission to the UN of Jap, but that no recommendation was made to the GA because of the opposition of one permanent member,
Deeming it important to the development of the UN that all applicant states which possess the qualifications for membership set forth in Art 4 of the Charter shld be admitted,
- 1.
- Determines that Jap is, in its judgment, a peace-loving state within the meaning of Art 4 of the Charter, is able and willing to carry out the obligations of the Charter, and shld therefore, be admitted to membership in the UN;
- 2.
- Requests the SC to take note of this determination of the GA with respect to the application of Jap.”
Dept shld note operative para 2 above is slight modification from our usual GA membership resolutions in past which requested SC reconsideration application of certain country in light of determination of GA. Our orig para 2 was along this line. When we showed it to Ushiroku today he said that while Jap favored strong GA action, he feared our orig para 2 might not be acceptable to other dels. He expressed concern that some dels might move to drop such a para on ground it was inconsistent with idea of intersessional study comite and in order to avoid gen recommendation to SC to reconsider applications for membership. We therefore, tentatively agreed to the modified para 2 shown above.