320/12–452: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Mission at the United Nations1


Gadel 87. Min Kamimura called on Dept today and referring to Aug 27 conversation with Gross2 asked whether US prepared submit res on Japan similar to 1949 res on 9 applicants. He stressed desirability from standpoint public opinion in Japan of GA res determining Japan qualified for membership.

Dept informed Kamimura we were of course, considering action along these lines. However we mentioned possibility that GA might appoint special comite to study membership question and that if this course decided upon GA might wish take no other action. Also mentioned that if GA established special comite it might be undesirable submit separate res on Japan since GA might simply refer res to special comite for consideration. However, we pointed out our strong hope res establishing comite wld include reference to Japan. We also explained we had not taken final position re special comite.

Dept suggests GADel discuss matter with Jap observer NY. Since Kamimura may not have clearly understood reason why separate res on Japan might be difficult if GA establishes special comite, request you explain this problem and seek obtain Jap reaction. Important you stress our strong desire do everything for Japan within framework general membership problem.

Re Gadel 79, in view Japan concern re separate res on its qualifications for membership, Dept believes it is all the more important that if res establishing special comite constitutes sole GA action, this res include some reference to Japan’s qualifications.

Re so-called “understanding” referred to in Dec 2 ltr from Ushiroku to Amb Key Dept officer informed Kamimura that there was no understanding as such in US view but only a gen discussion of various possible actions which GA might take on membership question in face Sov veto Jap’s application. However, Kamimurainsisted he had strong impression conversation of Aug 27 indicated US Govt wld propose specific resolution in 7th Session GA on Jap’s application similar to 1949 res. In any event he stated that Jap Govt strongly desires such res this session. He indicated his govt has sounded out and recd favorable response from majority GA members on some GA action re Jap UN membership.

Re associate membership Kamimura indicated his Govt does not wish press matter at this time but has not taken final decision for or against proposal for future consideration.

  1. Drafted by Jones, UNP, and Young, NA; and signed by Popper. Repeated to Tokyo as telegram 1418.
  2. See New York telegram 185, Aug. 27, 5:18 p.m., p. 851.