
Memorandum of Conversation, by the Director of the Office of United Nations Political and Security Affairs (Wainhouse)

  • Subject:
  • Chinese Representation—UK Formula for Resumed Eighth GA.

Miss Salt came in at my request to discuss the formula which Ambassador Makins gave to the Secretary on January 7 and which reads as follows:

“The General Assembly decides to postpone until the adjournment or the termination of its Eighth Regular Session, whichever is earlier, consideration of all proposals to exclude the representatives of the Government of the Republic of China and to seat representatives of the Central People’s Government of the People’s Republic of China.”

I pointed out to Miss Salt that the words “adjournment” and “termination” in General Assembly parlance mean the same thing. The phrase “whichever is earlier”, qualifying the words “adjournment or termination” is thus meaningless.

I suggested that the formula could be amended without changing the intention to read: “postpone for the duration of the Second Part of the Eighth Regular Session” or, alternatively “recess or adjournment” in lieu of “adjournment or termination”.

Miss Salt readily agreed that the words “adjournment” and “termination” meant the same thing, and said that she thought London would be agreeable to the language “postpone for the duration of the Second Part of the Eighth Regular Session”.

As soon as Miss Salt hears from London on the change of language in the formula she will inform us.

David W. Wainhouse