310.2/9–353: Telegram

The Acting United States Representative at the United Nations (Wadsworth) to the Department of State


154. Re Chinese Representation. At luncheon conversation with Kiang (China) USUN discussed question Chinese representation, explaining our present view that last year’s procedure be followed again, i.e., postpone consideration for duration Eighth GA. Kiang said Chinese delegation believed this wrong approach; would produce some [garble] of resentment on part their people as it already has by leaving impression time might come soon when we would change our position on substance of matter. They therefore favored simply voting down each motion on representation question wherever raised and leaving it at that. This would permit delegations like UK, for example, to vote for Soviet motions if they wished.

We pointed out two factors that ought be considered this connection: (1) We did not wish have public differences with our principal allies that could be exploited by Communists to disadvantage of all including China, and (2) that Kiang’s proposal would mean issue would come up at each and every meeting of a UN body without convenient reply that issue had been postponed. Kiang said he recognized these difficulties but believed advantages of his suggestion outweighed them.

Kiang said in view importance of composition credentials committee to the Chinese representation question his delegation would like suggest following membership: Australia, Greece, Pakistan, (a country who had recognized Communist China would have to be on the committee and Pakistan seemed best), USSR, two from the following LAs: Brazil, Cuba, El Salvador, Dominican Republic; Turkey, USA, and either Thailand or Philippines.
