Memorandum of Conversation, by Mr. Joseph J. Sisco of the Bureau of International Organization Affairs
- Subject:
- Presidency of the General Assembly
- Participants:
- Ambassador Cariasy, Honduras
- Mr. Niles W. Bond, UNP
- Miss Elizabeth Brown, UNP
- Miss Betty Gough, UNP
- Mr. Joseph J. Sisco, IO
The above group had lunch with Ambassador Carias today. While a number of topics were touched upon during the conversation, one particular comment of Ambassador Carias might be noted. He said that the Latin American caucus in New York met last Friday, September 3, [Page 590] and that the support for Wan and Van Kleffens for the GA Presidency was roughly 50–50. In response to a query, Ambassador Carias said that in his view it would be counter-productive if the United States were to openly lobby for Prince Wan among the Latin American states.