320/9–354: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Mission at the United Nations1
128. Re GA Presidency (memo of conversation with Fabregat dated August 30). Department concerned that in remaining weeks before Assembly we carefully maintain position communicated to Dutch and Thai, namely, that while we will vote for Wan we do not intend lobby for or against either candidate for President (Deptel 159 to The Hague repeated USUN 68 and CA–819). Promotion by us of proposal that Van Kleffens be supported next year and Latin American in 1956 would be inconsistent with this position. Dutch have informed us they oppose proposal, and thus our promotion of it would amount to lobbying against Van Kleffens. Moreover our support for proposal would involve commitments two years ahead which could create difficulties for us later (Deptel 61 to USUN). Therefore believe we should not become partners to proposal or encourage others accept it, although we should not discourage them either since we of course hope Wan will be elected.2
- Drafted by Paul W. Jones of the Office of UN Political and Security Affairs, cleared with three of the geographic bureaus (EUR, FE, and ARA), approved by the Deputy Under Secretary (Murphy), and signed by Assistant Secretary Key.↩
- A cable of similar although not exact content was sent to the Embassy in Mexico in telegram 293, Sept. 7, 7:07 p.m. (320/9–254).↩