320/8–2054: Telegram
The Acting United States Representative at the United Nations (Ross) to the Department of State
157. Re presidency 9th GA. In meeting with USUN today, Prince Wan reviewed his present calculations re his candidacy for presidency. Wan said Latin Americans were prepared to agree not try for presidency next year, and to support Van Kleffens then if Wan elected this year. They would be willing to sign a letter to effect. Wan felt this indicated growing support for his candidacy among Latin Americans although he recognized it was going to be a “close fight”. He said in view of Van Balluseck’s earlier agreement that it would be a “friendly contest”, he was somewhat surprised at such commotion among Dutch, who were making the question a European issue, as were the British. Latter seemed to be even more active in favor of Van Kleffens than Netherlands delegation.
In talk between Wan and UNSYG yesterday about presidency, Hammarskjold had said that he himself had been frequently attacked as pro-American and that Wan could expect to be attacked likewise.
Wan said that Dutch claimed two commitments among ASAF group: Iran and Pakistan. Entezam had told him that if Iran had known of Wan’s candidacy earlier they would have committed themselves [Page 582] to him, but now, with operating company headquarters of oil consortium being set up in Holland, they would have to adhere to their commitment to Van Kleffens. However, Entezam promised Wan if there were a second ballot, Iran would then switch to Wan.
Pakistan, other ASAF claimed by Dutch, was as yet uncommitted according to Bokhari, said Wan. Eban (Israel) had told Wan if it were his decision he would support Wan and hoped to have a decision from his government during his present stay in Israel.
Wan, who is departing for Bangkok tomorrow, will see Zafrulla (Pakistan) in Philippines and plans to be back in New York a week before GA opens.