Memorandum of Telephone Conversation, by the Acting Assistant Secretary of State for United Nations Affairs (Wainhouse)
- Subject:
- Ninth General Assembly Presidency.
Ambassador Sarasin telephoned me this morning to say that Prince Wan has told him that certain Latin American countries are still in [Page 572] doubt as to whom they will support for the Ninth General Assembly Presidency. The Ambassador stated that Prince Wan had asked him to communicate this to the Department and to inquire whether the Department would assist by making representations to these certain Latin American countries.
I stated that this is a matter which I would take up in the Department and would let him know.
The Ambassador also stated that Prince Wan had suggested to the Dutch in New York a deal whereby Wan would guarantee Latin American support for Van Kleffens for the Presidency in 1955, and the Europeans and Wan would guarantee the Presidency to the Latin Americans in 1956, if Van Kleffens would withdraw this year. The Ambassador stated that the Dutch did not react favorably to this idea.