320/7–2054: Telegram
The Deputy United States Representative at the United Nations (Wadsworth) to the Department of State
53. Re presidency 9th GA. Von Balluseck (Netherlands) approached me in the Security Council lounge this afternoon and stated that Prince Wan had come to see him, had announced his candidacy for presidency of 9th GA, and had told him flatly that the US was going to support him.
In a further encounter shortly thereafter, Von Balluseck indicated that Mr. Murphy had notified the Netherlands chargé in Washington that Wan had determined he would make the run and that the US would “probably” support him.
Von Balluseck was considerably exercised and rather disposed to argue that Wan’s candidacy at this late time could have no good effect regardless of who eventually won the race. He seems to be sure in his own mind that the US deliberately stimulated Wan’s candidacy.
Re Deptel 95 to The Hague, July 20 (last paragraph) it is quite obvious that Netherlands chargé has not kept quiet this matter, since Dixon (UK) approached me with same information this afternoon at 3.
On basis Telecon Stein, we informed UK Delegate and French Delegate, which meanwhile had approached us, as well as Von Balluseck, of arguments stated by Murphy to Dutch chargé. None of them was impressed by these arguments, saying in effect that they cut both ways. [Page 558] We added argument that Wan had stepped down in favor of Pearson two years ago. This made some slight impression. French, however, pointed out that they had stuck by Wan last year, despite our support Madame Pandit’s candidacy. All three felt that situation in Asia indicated desirability of non-Asian president.
Both UK and French Delegates emphasized their very firm commitment to Van Kleffens indicating that this was a very considered decision which had been taken by the five Western European powers. UK and French Delegates expressed keenest disappointment and expressed hope that we would at least not lobby pending opinion of their governments to consider situation. We indicated that we were not lobbying, at least at this stage.
UK stated that the four Scandinavians supported Van Kleffens.
Von Balluseck gave us following analysis of commitment to them:
- Four Western Europeans.
- Scandinavians—not definite, but probable.
- Iran, Pakistan, Turkey, and Greece—definite.
- Canada, Australia, and New Zealand—very favorably inclined.
- A few of the smaller Latins, including Chile definitely.
In last connection, deal is obviously a swap in favor of Van Kleffens this year, and Chile next year.
Argument Wan used this a.m. that made some slight impression on Dutch was that he is 63 years old and will not be Foreign Minister of Thailand forever.
Wan has apparently approached De La Colina (Mexico) in effort to get Latin American caucas support; De La Colina was apparently evasive.