330/4–2154: Telegram

The Ambassador in Belgium (Alger) to the Department of State


805. Pass USUN Deptels 1030, April 16 [15] and 1035, April 20 [19].1 While we do not know extent to which UN practice calls for selection Benelux or Scandinavian candidate for UNSC this year, we offer following observations on Belgian aspects this problem in light reference telegrams.

Composition new Belgian Government not yet known, but all present signs point to coalition with Socialist participation. As stated in Embtel 777, April 13 Socialists have long favored recognition Communist China and its entry into UN. At same time Socialists have in majority supported European integration and other important international policies in line with US objectives and have not been alone in Belgian political circles in favoring recognition Communist China and its entry into UN. Perhaps majority Belgian political figures of all parties have had leanings in that direction. Unless there is radical change in situation, however, we do not believe that any Belgian Government in foreseeable future, any more than in past, could unilaterally change its present policy in this regard. Any change would be expected to come as result action or pressure by UK or France in which case any Belgian Government might well follow British or French lead. Impulse to do so would be stronger in case of government with Socialist participation.
If US failed to support Belgian candidacy to UNSC and gave support to nation from other area of world, Belgian resentment would likely be aroused particularly if other friendly western powers did support Belgian or Scandinavian candidate in accordance with what Belgians considered accepted UN practice. In that event it would seem difficult for us to give Belgians what they would consider convincing explanation our lack of support.
  1. Regarding these two telegrams, see footnote 1, p. 530 and footnote 1, p. 526.