330/4–1354: Telegram

The Ambassador in Belgium (Alger) to the Department of State


777. Usun 602 to Department sent Brussels 3, April 9. Election Belgian Parliament will not be completed until 46 Senators to be elected by Provincial Councils April 26 can join with 106 directly elected Senators to appoint 23 co-opted Senators on May 4. Process forming new government can get under way now but completion process requires vote of confidence by full Parliament. It is impossible now to predict when new government will be formed or to know the party make-up of government which almost certainly will be coalition.

As Embassy has previously reported, Socialists generally favor recognition Red China and its admission UN. Appears very likely Socialists will participate new government.

We do not believe that definitive Belgian Government position on this question can be determined prior to formation new government and its consideration of problem. Embassy is of opinion we should sound out new government this issue before assuring full support Belgian candidate if time permits.
